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Established in 1994, Village n Life has launched innovative and exciting hospitality and tourism ventures in the Cape’s most desirable locations.

Under the umbrella of this brand, Village n Life’s Pet Places offers guests the option to bring their pets along on holiday. With a dedicated Online Host, and commitment from our property managers, you can be assured of have a hassle-free, pet-friendly holiday.

Contact details

Tel: +27 (0)21 430 4000  / +27 (0)73 854 3208 WhatsApp

Enquire Now
The Farmhouse Hotel

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DD slash MM slash YYYY

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Lemon Cottage

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DD slash MM slash YYYY

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Rosemary Cottage

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DD slash MM slash YYYY
DD slash MM slash YYYY

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Lavender Cottage

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DD slash MM slash YYYY
DD slash MM slash YYYY

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    Enquire Now

    Kite House

    Tell us about your furry friend

      Enquire Now

      KiteCo House

      Tell us about your furry friend

        Enquire Now

        Kite Mansion Penthouse

        Tell us about your furry friend

        Enquire Now
        The Bay Hotel

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        DD slash MM slash YYYY
        DD slash MM slash YYYY

        Tell us about your furry friend

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        Enquire Now
        Stone Cottages

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        DD slash MM slash YYYY
        DD slash MM slash YYYY

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          Park Studios

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          Harbour House Hotel

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          DD slash MM slash YYYY
          DD slash MM slash YYYY

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            27 & 29 Dixon

            Tell us about your furry friend

            Enquire Now
            Camps Bay Retreat

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            DD slash MM slash YYYY
            DD slash MM slash YYYY

            Tell us about your furry friend

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              Enquire Now

              Blue Dog Holiday Apartments

              Enquire Now
              The Farmhouse Hotel

              "*" indicates required fields

              DD slash MM slash YYYY
              DD slash MM slash YYYY

              Tell us about your furry friend

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              Enquire Now
              Mint Crash Pad

              "*" indicates required fields

              DD slash MM slash YYYY
              DD slash MM slash YYYY

              Tell us about your furry friend

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              Enquire Now
              Thyme Studio

              "*" indicates required fields

              DD slash MM slash YYYY
              DD slash MM slash YYYY

              Tell us about your furry friend

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                Enquire Now

                Kite Mansion Pool Apartment

                Tell us about your furry friend

                Enquire Now
                The Farmhouse Hotel

                "*" indicates required fields

                DD slash MM slash YYYY
                DD slash MM slash YYYY

                Tell us about your furry friend

                This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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